Behavior-Based Safety

9 hours, 57 minutes
12.0 BACB
Byron Wine, PhD, BCBA

“BBS [Behavior-Based Safety] has come to mean a frontline-driven process of targeting particular safe behaviors, arranging peer observation, and providing feedback and reinforcement.” 

Agnew & Daniels, 2010 


Accidents and injuries are a serious issue for some job settings and situations. While unsafe behaviors rarely lead to injuries, these behaviors have the potential to cost a company large sums of money and can lead to lifelong consequences for the victim. In this comprehensive course on Behavior-Based Safety, three subject-matter experts share their knowledge and experiences in the field of safety to make your workplace more compliant and safer.

Learning Objectives

What you’ll learn in the course and be able to do afterward

The presenters will teach the main steps of the safety process and how to intervene as follows: 

  1. List each step in the safety process and how it is affected by the introduction of a safety intervention. 
  2. List the historical highlights of behavior-based safety.
  3. Retell key findings from the presented anecdotes of successful BBS implementations. 
  4. In a real-life setting, identify variables that improve maintenance of behavioral safety programs
  5. Identify interventions used to increase traffic safety.


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