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4.83 (6 verified customers)
Mock Exam A is our original Mock Exam. This full-length mock exam matches the exam blueprint of the BACB® certification exam (i.e., it contains the same number of questions per content area as the certification exam). Expertly written questions, detailed score reports, and item-specific feedback make this exam an ideal assessment and study tool for those preparing for the behavior analysis certification exam.
2 Months


  • One full-length (175 questions) Mock Exam designed to test all

  • 5th Edition BACB® Task List content areas.

  • Designed to match the content area blueprint of the BACB certification exam.

  • May be taken once in one or multiple sittings, timed or untimed.

  • Provides an overall score as a baseline measure of performance.

  • Provides automatically generated content area scores (no hand counting required) to pinpoint areas of strength and weakness.

  • Question-specific feedback acts as a learning tool, breaking questions down so you understand why the correct answer is correct and why the distractors are wrong.

  • Exam and feedback are available for two months from the time of purchase.

Disclaimer: BOOST ABA Exam Prep products and services are offered independently of the BACB®. BOOST staff represent ABA Technologies, Inc. and are not affiliated with the BACB®


4.83 (6 verified customers)

Jamie Duncan-Chapman MS, BCBA

Profile picture for user Jamie Duncan-Chapman MS, BCBA
The test is great, but the real goldmine is feedback after the test! Rationale on every question, why the right answers are right, and why the wrong answers are wrong. So helpful!

ABA Technologies

Profile picture for user ABA Technologies
Thank you Mozzie!

Jamie Duncan-Chapman MS, BCBA

Profile picture for user Jamie Duncan-Chapman MS, BCBA

Jamie Duncan-Chapman MS, BCBA

Profile picture for user Jamie Duncan-Chapman MS, BCBA
It is a great way to practice for the BCBA exam

Jamie Duncan-Chapman MS, BCBA

Profile picture for user Jamie Duncan-Chapman MS, BCBA
The explanations of answers is so clear and easy to understand!

Jamie Duncan-Chapman MS, BCBA

Profile picture for user Jamie Duncan-Chapman MS, BCBA
Allows you to replicate a testing environment. Useful breakdown of task list areas. Thorough explanations of every question.

Jamie Duncan-Chapman MS, BCBA

Profile picture for user Jamie Duncan-Chapman MS, BCBA
Complete practice support
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