Evaluating the Effects of Supervision

1 hours, 32 minutes
1.5 BACB

“If supervision is being conducted sufficiently, then supervisees should be performing the skills necessary to achieve client outcomes.”

Tom Freeman, MS, BCBA, LBA-NY, LBA-MA


  • This course fulfills the eight-hour training requirement and is based on the BACB Supervisor Training Curriculum Outline (2.0) but is offered independent of the BACB. For more information, please see the BACB Supervisor Training Curriculum Outline (2.0) 
  • This course contains BEHP1192, BEHP1194, and BEHP1225, along with material covering additional content areas 
  • You will not be permitted to use BACB CE credits earned in this course if you have already completed BEHP1192, BEHP1193, BEHP1194, BEHP1198, or BEHP1225 separately 
  • Individuals who have taken BEHP1122 (an earlier version of our supervision series) should not take BEHP1191 
  • Per the BACB, this course cannot be counted toward ethics 


Thomas Freeman provides a crucial yet often neglected aspect of the process of supervising upcoming behavior analysts—evaluation: evaluating whether supervisory practices are effective and analyzing why supervisees may not be performing as expected. This workshop includes a worksheet that will guide students through the BACB’s recommendations on evaluating the effects of supervision practices, including looking at client outcomes, supervisee behavior, and supervision fidelity measures. Lastly, this training also delves deeper into performance monitoring of supervisees and how to reduce reactivity and increase acceptability of being monitored 


Learning Objectives—What you’ll learn in the course and be able to do afterward 

1. Describe methods of evaluating supervisory effectiveness: 

  • Based on client performance 
  • Based on staff performance 
  • Through the evaluation of supervision fidelity 

2. Determine effective methods to monitor supervisee performance and evaluate the social validity of supervisory practices 


This course is delivered through Florida Tech. Clicking "Enroll Now" will take you to Florida Tech’s website where you can Add to CartCheckout, and complete the course. Come back to our website for podcasts, blogs, courses, and content.


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