Forensic Matters: Shark-Infested Waters

1 hours, 2 minutes
1.0 BACB
Mark Mosk, PhD

As mental health professionals, we’re often invited into the courtroom, into the playground of lawyers, and it’s important that we understand that we must play by the rules. Understanding the rules allows us to play and enjoy the time that we might be spending in the courtroom.

Mark Mosk, PhD 


We all have questions about the legal profession at one point or another. It’s an unfortunate truth that most clinicians will, at some point in their careers, become involved with the judicial system and typically without planning on it. Not knowing can increase your legal liability. In this Continuing Education course, Mark Mosk helps you to navigate the legal system and empowers you to take action early. He gives you the tools to respond to a subpoena and understand your role in the courtroom as well as what your legal responsibility is. The course provides a guide on how you can do the right thing and stay client-focused. 

Learning Objectives

What you’ll learn in the course and be able to do afterward 

  1. Learn about the different types of subpoenas 

  1. Learn the response requirements of issued subpoenas and court orders 

  1. Identify the different types of witnesses 

  1. Learn how to prepare to serve a witness 

  1. Learn strategies for testifying 

  1. Differentiate between forensic and therapeutic roles 

  1. Learn how to receive payment for services as a witness 


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