Understanding the Why Behind the Rule: Ethical Frameworks and Practice Guidelines

1 hours, 38 minutes
1.5 BACB

“Trying to get behind the mere black and white . . . we can’t think in bumper stickers.”

Bobby Newman, PhD, BCBA-D, LBA  


Merely following the Ethics Codes without contexts can often lead to difficult decisions in complex situations. In this course, Bobby Newman breaks down the reasoning behind the BACB Ethics Code to help practitioners navigate conflict when several Code violations occur in a given situation. Newman starts by focusing on the function of these rules, moves on to demonstrate how cultural competence may be affected by gift giving/receiving, discusses ambiguities and the public image of applied behavior analysis, and ends with a summary of the course.     

Learning Objectives

What you’ll learn in the course and be able to do afterward 

  1. Describe considerations of common ethical frameworks such as Categorical Imperatives and Utilitarianism 

  1. State the reasons behind particular BCBA ethical guidelines such as bartering and gift-giving  

  1. Describe situations where one might inadvertently stumble into behavior that could be interpreted as unethical (e.g., fundraising or giving too powerful a reinforcer to be turned down)  


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