Applications of Verbal Behavior Language Intervention: How to develop and implement a language intervention program

5 hours, 39 minutes
6.5 BACB

“Behavior analysis is a powerful set of tools. Skinner’s analysis of verbal behavior especially provides us (in the area of working with kids with autism and language delays) a framework, a guide, a set of tools that allows us to not only analyze verbal and language problems and to assess them but also, most importantly, to develop and implement intervention strategies that can result in the steady growth of language and social skills.”

Mark Sundberg, PhD, BCBA-D


In Part 4, Dr. Mark Sundberg expands on his previous courses and delves into developing and implementing a language intervention program based on the results of the VB-MAPP Assessments.* Dr. Sundberg overviews typical language development milestones and the implications these have for children and adults with language delays. With the assistance of a completed VB-MAPP, participants will learn the steps to beginning, developing, and implementing an intervention program. Verbal operants will be broken down, and considerations for selection of goals will be discussed.

Learning Objectives

What you’ll learn in the course and be able to do afterward

  1. From an overview of historical information regarding verbal behavior and verbal behavior assessments, you will be able to
    • define and exemplify the basic elementary verbal operants (for example, mand, tact, intraverbal);
    • describe the pros and cons of traditional language assessment;
    • explain how Skinner’s Analysis of Verbal Behavior adds to existing assessment programs.
  2. After a comprehensive overview of the VB-MAPP, you will be able to
    • complete a VB-MAPP milestone assessment;
    • complete a VB-MAPP barriers assessment;
    • complete a VB-MAPP transition assessment;
    • describe how to use the VB-MAPP task analysis and tracking system;
    • describe how to use the VB-MAPP for conducting empirical research.


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