Decreasing Turnover in Human Services

2 hours, 11 minutes
2.5 BACB
Byron Wine, PhD, BCBA

“Don’t bother doing anything without good performance management procedures in place.”

Byron Wine, PhD, BCBA


Does turnover impact your organization’s delivery of high-quality care? If so, you are not alone. Turnover plagues most ABA organizations offering services to individuals diagnosed with autism or other developmental delays. Often, organizations see front-line employees come and go, which then requires constant recruitment, retraining, and evaluation of service outcomes—all this, not to mention the service disruption for most clients. Byron Wine, PhD, has experienced the consequences of high turnover firsthand, both as a leader and researcher who examines the contingencies around turnover and how it impacts organizations and services. In this course, Dr. Wine shows participants, through his personal experience and research, ways to combat turnover.  He delves into the basics of naming types of turnover and calculating its costs and impact while presenting options for addressing the issue.  It probably comes as no surprise, but as Dr. Wine asserts, there is no point in any turnover-specific interventions until a proper performance management system is in place. 

Learning Objectives

What you’ll learn in the course and be able to do afterward 

  1. With an understanding of the different types of turnover you will learn how to
    • calculate the costs of turnover as well as the rate;
    • identify the influencers of turnover with direct-care staff;
    • develop interventions targeting turnover.


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