Interpersonal Skills for the Behavioral Consultant

2 hours, 32 minutes
3.0 BACB
Stacie Neff, MS, BCBA

 “Establish yourself as a conditioned reinforcer. Just be nice, please.”

Stacie Neff, MS, BCBA


Join Stacie Neff, MS, BCBA, on the importance of soft or interpersonal skills that make or break the success of a consultant. Effective consultants can easily initiate meetings, respond professionally during interviews, actively listen during difficult conversations, and react to nonverbal and verbal behavior. Being a pro conversationalist may seem like an art form—you either have it or you don’t. Stacie, however, boils it down to the foundational components that help any professional communicate well with clients, families, and colleagues. 

Learning Objectives

What you’ll learn in the course and be able to do afterward

  1. This course establishes initial contact, interviewing, and active listening skills as the foundation, from which you will
    • give and receive feedback;
    • set expectations for everyone involved;
    • maintain a professional relationship.
  2. The application of interpersonal skills can get fuzzy, but you learn to
    • avoid certain behaviors that are unlikely to achieve a desirable response; 
    • apply these skills in a variety of scenarios.


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