The ABCs of Starting a Private Practice

2 hours, 30 minutes
Mark Mosk, PhD


...and now you’ve decided that you want to be on your own. You want to be independent. This is a great journey that you are embarking upon, and this is a great journey into a foreign land.

Mark Mosk, PhD


Opening up a private practice can be stressful and the how-to’s are not exactly stated in a manual. In this course, join Dr. Mosk as he prepares practitioners for the rigors and challenges of establishing a successful private practice. Furthermore, he introduces the core elements of starting an ABA private practice, including the necessary steps in planning, basic administrative issues inherent in running a professional practice, budgeting and financial management, and tactics for marketing the practice. Lastly, Dr. Mosk discusses strategies for growth.

Learning Objectives

What you’ll learn in the course and be able to do afterward

  • List and describe the components of business plan.
  1. Draft a businessplan.
  2. Budgeting
  3. Manage cashflow.
  • List and describe relevant factors in selecting a location of business.
  • Create convenient payment options for clients.
  • List and describe the characteristics of entrepreneurship.
  • Identify methods to achieve entrepreneurship and become a professional.
  • Identify steps to business administration.
  1. Running your business
  2. Arranging for outside services
  3. Analyzing financial issues
  4. Planning a budget
  • Develop and execute a marketing plan based on your business plan.


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