Twenty Do and Don't Strategies for Sex Education for People with ASD

1 hours, 40 minutes
2.0 BACB

“. . . as such we have not prepared people for the challenges that they will face in life.”

Bobby Newman, PhD, BCBA-D


Sex and sexuality has always been a sensitive topic for people and especially so for those who work with individuals on the spectrum. The uncomfortable nature of the matter is what makes behavior analysts both inexperienced as well as in a crucial role to teach sexuality. Influenced by culture that made it a topic that shouldn’t be discussed in polite company, sexuality is far more than just sex but also focuses on the social and relationship aspect and must be taught as such. There are strategies to implement as well as assumptions that should be avoided when teaching sexuality especially to those who are at special risk.

Learning Objectives

What you’ll learn in the course and be able to do afterward

  1. Describe ten strategies to avoid and ten to use when teaching sexual education as well as listing the positives associated with teaching sexual education to people diagnosed with ASD.


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