BBS Essentials®: How to Build a Culture and Practice of Safe Habits
BBS Essentials® Guide for You
BBS Essentials® is a process that provides companies with all the coaching, training, and tools they need to implement a Behavior-Based Safety process at an affordable price. ABA Tech Safety Experts work with your experts to design the details of what your culture and conditions require. That analysis is embedded into the BBS Essentials Guide for you. BBS Essentials provide an internal leader or facilitator the necessary materials and skills to provide your company’s trainers and leaders at each level of your organization with one-on-one coaching and all the tools and skills they need to customize and implement a successful BBS Essentials® process specifically for your business and its unique safety culture. The tools can also be delivered online to incorporate as many people as possible who are asked to champion this process throughout a region or across the company.
This material can be provided across time zones or operations as needed, whether through a coaching process at company sites or through various workshops and online training methodologies. Included are:
- Welcome to BBS Essentials® – Overview of the process
- Preparation for BBS Essentials® – Preparing for the design and implementation of BBS Essential®
- Assessment – Conducting a brief safety assessment of your organization
- Checklist – Developing a custom BBS observation checklist
- Observation Process and Procedure – Creating the unique process and procedures for your organization
- Recognition and Celebration – Designing plans to acknowledge participation and celebrate accomplishments
- Communication – Creating tools to introduce the process and keep leadership and staff informed
- Observation and Conversation Skills – Training others about the process and how to coach effective Observation and Conversation skills
- Leadership – Engaging leadership by identifying the specific support and involvement behaviors that will accelerate and sustain the process
- Safety Team – Preparing your safety team to successfully manage the process
- Maintenance – Keeping BBS Essentials® fresh over the long term
Because ABA Technologies Safety Division values your company’s success, you will not only receive all the training and tools you need to design and implement the process but will also receive additional support critical to the successful implementation of the BBS Essentials® Behavior-Based Safety, including:
- Pre-workshop assistance to ensure your Internal Facilitator comes to the workshop ready to start planning
- All the materials your organization needs to design and implement BBS Essentials
- A BBS Essentials® Guide detailing the final process for your organization
- Eight hours of one-on-one telephone coaching during the design and implementation of the BBS Essentials® process
- An end-of-intervention evaluation of practices to assess the impact and sustainability of skill transfer that becomes “just the way we work around here.”
- A report will allow leadership and managers involved in the process to identify what they might need to do to sustain the core learnings from this investment.

BBS Essentials® Overview
Empowered Employees, Including Leaders at Every Level, Cutting Edge Safety Culture, Sustainable Change
- Do you want to get you and your employees meaningfully engaged in safety improvement?
- Are shortcuts taken when no one is looking?
- Does everyone at every level encourage each other to be safe?
- Are you grounded in an approach to safety based on values to protect and cherish the culture and effects on those around you, including the community?
- Is your current safety culture built on changing habits, a culture where problems are addressed without an unintended undercurrent of silencing what is heard or seen?
The last century has brought amazing breakthroughs in how organizations manage safety and reduce incidents. However, despite more training programs, signs, job aids, procedures, and policies, people still get hurt. When we analyze these incidents, it is often clear that someone could have said or done something to prevent or lessen the severity of the incident.
This is our opportunity! Organizations can significantly reduce their incidents and increase safe operations by implementing systems designed to engage everyone at all levels to increase the consistency of safe practices and proactively remove safety barriers. This is BBS Essentials® wrapped in an approach to people based on core Values-based Safety® and a carefully designed learning architecture to support that values-based culture you want!
Behavior-based Safety Essentials® are methods of assessment and training on the various elements of understanding behavior in relation to improvements in our clients’ particular work environments. The critical elements are moving from training to engaging employees in promoting safety improvement in the workplace through train-the-leader managers and supervisors on what they do to effect desired outcomes. Behavior-based Safety Essentials® training directly provided to employees helps them gain skills in how their behavior works to address critical consequences occurring in the environment that can cause harm to themselves and others.
The essentials for leaders and employees involve identifying practices critical to reducing injuries. These practices are then compiled into various checklist(s) that 1) employees use to conduct peer observations, providing positive feedback to increase the consistency of safe habits in the organization; 2) supervisors and managers use to change the cultural barriers to addressing errors without fear by their employees of job loss or other kinds of punitive events that often exist in addressing issues that are known to put workplaces at risk; and 3) set up reciprocal arrangements up and down the leadership chain to increase a values-based reality that “we” are all in this together, and 4) establish cultures of trust and commitment to keeping the organization and the community safer.
Employee and leader teams analyze information from greater observation skills to develop action plans that remove obstacles to safe practices and promote continuous safety improvement. The result? A world-class safety culture where engaged and empowered everyone, regardless of title, to take responsibility for their own and others' safety through conversation, positive feedback, and continuous improvement.
ABA Technologies’ BBS Essentials® is built on years of history in making workplaces safer and transferring to clients key skills to reach desired goals.
The New Values-Based Safety
Using Behavioral Science to Improve Your Safety Culture
Behavioral safety expert, Terry McSween, teams up with trusted learning adviser, Adam Hockman, to bring you The New Values-Based Safety, an essential reference for leaders and safety professionals in any industry. The authors expand on McSween’s original works on Values-Based Safety, an approach to behavior-based safety grounded in aligning organizational behaviors with a clearly defined set of organizational values such as honesty, respect, and concern for the well-being of everyone.
Considered the best “how-to” book on safety improvement and creating a safety culture.