Nick Green, MS, BCBA

Nick Green

Nick received his master’s degree in organizational behavior management at Florida Institute of Technology in 2015. Prior to obtaining his M.S., Nick worked with children and young adults with developmental disabilities for five years. In the clinical setting, Nick acquired experience working with severe problem behavior, managing and training staff on appropriate physical management procedures, and designing and implementing company policy regarding the least restrictive alternatives and best practice. His main interest is using applied behavior analysis to improve the health and well-being of others. Specifically, he is interested in designing interventions to reduce physical inactivity in the workplace. Other interests include organizational behavior management, behavioral systems analysis, and ethics. Nick’s clinical background and academic training at FIT has prepared him well to work with various populations and in different settings. He believes everybody has a right not only to effective education and treatment but also to effective physical education.

Posts by this Author

Health and Productivity at Work: Are We Using the Right Metrics?

I recently read a trifold from a fitness company describing the benefits of productivity to office workers. The message was basically this: “If you are an employer reading this pamphlet, then you, the employer, should buy a membership for your employees with the US.” …suggesting that when unhealthy workers turn into healthy workers, you can expect an increase in productivity as well.
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