BOOST Your BCBA® Exam Readiness

BCBA® Exam Prep from ABA Tech — Save $49 on Our Test Prep Bundle

Ready to tackle the BCBA® exam? Designed by industry experts, our exam prep course enables students to identify their strengths and weaknesses, build knowledge in critical verbal competencies, and overcome barriers and anxieties to succeed in their path to certification and beyond.

BOOST Exam Prep

The BOOST Advantage

  • Comprehensive BCBA® Mock Exam. Based on the 5th Edition Task List and matching the BCBA® test blueprint, this exam offers a realistic experience.
  • Expert-written question and practice content. Benefit from the expertise of our team of BCBA®s, experienced in teaching, testing and practice.
  • On-demand access. Study at your pace wherever you are.
  • Feedback on every question. Get detailed explanations to improve your understanding.

Bundle and Save: Get Your $49 Discount on Our Test Prep Bundle!

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Don’t Just Take the BCBA Exam — Ace It With BOOST Exam Prep