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Approaching Ethics and Programming in Faith-Based Settings

1 hours, 46 minutes
2.0 BACB, 1.5 IBAO, 2 Ethics
June 29, 2023

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Dr Bobby Newman discusses the possibilities for behavior analysts involved with individuals seeking involvement in faith-based communities. With an emphasis on social validity and individual choice, Dr. Newman encourages practitioners to remain open to the various ways in which an individuals may participate in a faith-based settings.The presentation discusses the various influences on religious practice, as well as how religion can influence many everyday types of behavior. Behavior analysts will gain insight in how to balance individual rights, choice, and inclusion in an area that can be deeply personal to clients and their families.


  • Improving cultural competence

Learning Checklist

  1. Describe how religion can influence behavior
  2. Identify situations which may lead to conflicts of individual rights
  3. List factors to explore when helping individuals participate in faith-based settings
  4. Identify possible steps to take when participation in traditional religious is not possible, not desired, or otherwise interrupted.



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