Daily Ethics: A Webinar with Tyra Sellers, Emily Patrizi, and Sarah Lichtenberger
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Incorporating Ethics into Your Daily Practice
Behavior analysts can often fall at risk of viewing ethics as merely a training requirement or a topic for continuing education However, to truly promote ethical practice, we must seamlessly integrate ethics into our daily routines. Through interactive activities, attendees will learn how to develop intentional daily practice, ensuring that ethics is not just a reactive process but a proactive and integral part of their professional identity.
With the release of their new book - Daily Ethics - Dr. Tyra P. Sellers, Emily A. Patrizi, & Dr. Sarah Lichtenberger will guide you through applying ethics in your everyday life by creating intentional practice and self-reflection. The authors will work their way through a few of the chapters of their book: setting yourself up for success, addressing possible misconduct, and scope of competence, in addition to answering your questions from the book.
Learning Objectives
Describe one way to incorporate ethics topics into daily practice.
Describe the steps involved in building intentional daily ethics practice
Identify considerations when they must address potential misconduct or practice outside of scope of competence of themselves or others.