Increasing the Length of Utterance in Children with Autism
In this workshop, Dr. Vincent Carbone discusses two different approaches on how to increase mean length utterance (MLU) in children with autism. Dr. Carbone begins by presenting the psycholinguistic approach proposed by Brown, followed by presenting Skinner’s approach on verbal behavior. This workshop examines the effectiveness of each approach, draws comparisons between the two approaches, and explains how both approaches are combined in a clinical setting.
Learning Objectives—What you’ll learn in the course and be able to do afterward
1. Explain how the traditionalists describe language evolution
2. List and describe each linguistic aspect of language:
- Grammatical
- Morphologic
- Syntactic
- Semantic
- Pragmatic
3. Identify linguistic aspects needed for language production
4. Identify stages framework to understand typical language development according to the rules of grammar related to syntax and morphology
5. Describe the behavioral approach of language development and identify when to increase verbal complexity of behavior
6. Identify and differentiate each primary operant category:
- Mand
- Tact
- Echoics
- Intraverbal
7. Identify and describe autoclitics as a secondary operant including its forms, advantages, and disadvantages.
8. Describe mean length utterance (MLU) as a measure of language development
9. Explain the behavioral analysis process of increasing complexity of verbal behavior, including the autoclitic
10. List problems of increasing MLU without meeting prerequisites
11. Analyze a sentence in terms of primary and autoclitic responses
12. Identify relational autoclitic processes that are present through reinforcement
13. Identify potential issues and their causes when age is used as a measurement of length of utterance instead of behavior analysis
14. List and describe some implications and recommendations on how to effectively increase length of utterance.
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