Dana Gadaire, PsyD, LCSW, BCBA
CE Course & Workshop Instructor

Dana Gadaire obtained her master’s degrees in social work and clinical psychology prior to earning a doctorate from the University of Southern Maine in 2011. In the course of her studies, she has worked with some of the most respected researchers in the field of applied behavior analysis, including Dr. Tim Vollmer, Dr. Brian Iwata, Dr. Wayne Fisher, and Dr. Bud Mace. These mentors have provided her with a wealth of knowledge in behavioral principles and their application to issues affecting individuals with special needs as well as society at large. The primary focus of her work has been the behavioral assessment and treatment of children with special needs, including autism spectrum disorders, anxiety and various other emotional and behavioral disorders. However, she also has experience working with typically developing children and their families and providing systemic supports in schools and child welfare agencies. Primary areas of interest include social skills training, behavioral parent training, school consultation, and bullying prevention.