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Applications of Verbal Behavior Language Intervention: How to develop and implement a language intervention program
In Part 4, Dr. Mark Sundberg expands on his previous courses and delves into developing and implementing a language intervention program based on the results of the VB-MAPP Assessments.* Dr. Sundberg overviews typical language development milestones and the implications these have for children and adults with language delays. With the assistance of a completed VB-MAPP, participants will learn the steps to beginning, developing, and implementing an intervention program. Verbal operants will be broken down, and considerations for the selection of goals will be discussed.
Increasing the Length of Utterance in Children with Autism
“It’s an analysis of why you say what you say and note that most of your verbal behavior is not vocal”
Vincent Carbone, Ed.D., BCBA-D
University Series 015 | Arizona State University | On-Campus
You've heard of ASU Online, but have you heard about ASU On Campus? Join Operant Innovations as we talk with Dr. Adam Hahs about the Psychology MS in Applied Behavior Analysis at Arizona State University.
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Operant Innovations 007 | Issues of Multicultural Diversity in the Ethical Practice of Applied Behavior Analysis | Part 1
Part 1 - Issues of Multicultural Diversity in the Ethical Practice of Applied Behavior Analysis with Dr. Angela Capuano.
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University Series 045 | University of Nevada Reno (UNR)
Today we are joined by Dr. Ramona Houmanfar, Dr. Matthew Lewon, Dr. Bethany Contreras, as well as two students. I have been excited to speak to this program for the plethora of opportunities they are offering, not only to their students but, the behavior analytic community at large. Listen today to learn about the faculty, research, practicum opportunities, and the student experience. You will not be disappointed.
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University Series 027 - University of Southern Maine
Join Operant Innovations as we talk to Dr. Jamie Pratt about the multiple program opportunities at the University of Southern Maine and how they are constantly striving to mix the field of educational psychology and behavior analysis.
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Thought Leaders 004 | Tom Freeman
This month on Thought Leaders, we are sitting down and speaking with Tom Freeman more about his history and where he sees the field of behavior analysis going.
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University Series 022 | Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady University
Join Operant Innovations as we talk with Dr. Tracy Lepper about the unique research and practical undergraduate opportunities at Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady University in Baton Rouge, LA.
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University Series 012 | University of Southern California
Join Operant Innovations as they talk with Dr. Johnathan Tarbox about the Master of Science in ABA at the University of Southern California.
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University Series 028 - Mississippi State University
Join Operant Innovations as we talk to Dr. Hallie Smith about one of the newest programs at Mississippi State University! Don't let the newness of this program throw you, behavior analysis has been a part of the MSU community for some time. With the growing need, a standalone program was founded and has grown exponentially since its inception. You won't want to miss out on this program.
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University Series 010 | Sacramento State
Join Operant Innovations as they talk with Dr. Megan Heinicke and Dr. Caio Miguel about the undergraduate and graduate degrees at CSU - Sacramento State.
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There Are No Easy Answers
“Building appropriate skills in combination with some of the interventions that we have discussed today are probably the best way for us to determine whether or not we are being effective in producing long-term change.”
Rethinking Generalization with the R.E.A.L. Model™
Contact us for group and customized options The R.E.A.L. Model™, Recreating Environments to Accelerate Learning.
Jamie Duncan-Chapman, M.S., BCBA
… Certified Behavior Analyst in 2002. She began her career as a consultant for verbal behavior programs for children with language delays which included language assessments, behavior plan development, and parent and staff training. Jamie was also involved in a statewide … for a public-school system, she was responsible for assessing students, training teachers, and supervising the county-wide acquisition and implementation of a web-based professional development and resource program. Jamie was a content developer …