Thomas Freeman, M.S., BCBA, LBA-NY, LBA-MA

Tom Freeman

Tom is currently the senior vice-president of ABA Technologies Inc., where he is dedicated to ABA Technologies mission to disseminate the benefits of behavior science to the world at large. As part of that mission, he helps to create and present instructional content for the online program in ABA at Florida Institute of Technology, in both online classes and CE presentations. He also writes and provides live presentations on such diverse topics as the evolution of ethics in human services, behavioral pharmacology, grief, and other end-of-life issues in relation to ABA, and coordinating ABA services with other professionals.

Tom began working in behavior analysis in 1979 at the Walter E. Fernald State School, a large state residential institution in Massachusetts. He has broad experience working with both adults and children with intellectual delays and other physical challenges, many of whom exhibited significant problem behavior. He moved to Florida in 1995, where he became a Florida certified assistant behavior analyst (CABA). While continuing to provide clinical services in Florida, he earned his Master of Science in applied behavior analysis in 2000 from Florida Tech. He became a BCBA in 2001.

Tom continued to provide both clinical consultations and educational opportunities related to the BACB coursework requirements through ABA Technologies Inc., while he also served for 10 years as a district/area behavior analyst for the State of Florida’s Agency for Persons with Disabilities. There, he had responsibility for the administrative oversight of all behavioral services across two counties.

In addition to his four decades of work in ABA, Tom has extensive experience in wild-animal behavior research (North Pacific Humpback Whales and Hawaiian Spinner Dolphins) primarily through a decade of work with the University of Hawaii Kewalo Basin Marine Mammal Laboratory. He also worked briefly with wild, ex-captive orangutans at Camp Leakey on the Island of Borneo in Kalimantan Tengah, Indonesia.

Tom has produced numerous publications and presentations, including co-authorship of a chapter titled, “Grief and Developmental Disabilities: Considerations for Disenfranchised Populations” in Social Justice in Loss and Grief (2016), Harris and Bordere (eds.), and the chapter, “Ethical Considerations for Applied Behavior Analysis” in Applied Behavior Analysis, 2nd edition (2007), Cooper, Heron & Heward (eds.), and in the 3rd edition publication (pending May 2019).

Posts by this Author

The Sun is Bright, and Sunscreen is Sticky: An Analysis of an Avoidance Scenario

As behavior analysts, we constantly try to determine why people do what they do. Often this is in a clinical context. Why does Johnny tantrum? Why does Jane flop during transitions? Other times we try to analyze scenarios as a brain exercise, conceptual analysis for fun, or for those preparing for…
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Which ABA Conference Should I Attend?

As certified behavior analysts, we must keep current with emerging science and technologies and obtain continuing education. One way to stay abreast of the happenings in the field is to attend local, state, national, and even international conferences. However, there are so many great conferences; how does one choose? To help answer this question, these are the ones I am prioritizing this year.
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Antecedents Have Last Names

In the latter years of his life, Dr. Jose Martinez, the founder of ABA Technologies. Inc., and the driving force behind the creation of the School of Behavior Analysis at Florida Tech, was heard to utter the title of this blog in every one of his presentations relating to the influence of antecedent conditions on behavior, “Antecedents have last names.”
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How Jack Michael Expanded Our Analysis of Classical (Pavlovian) Conditioning

Jack Michael passed away on November 12, 2020. In Jack’s honor, ABA Technologies, Inc. is pleased to bring you this blog written in 2020 by Thomas Freeman.
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Ethical Dilemma

Tom Freeman Answers an Ethical Dilemma Question from a ColleagueRecently, Tom Freeman, MS, BCBA, LBA-NY, LBA-MA, and current senior vice-president of ABA Technologies, Inc., received a question from a colleague regarding an ethical dilemma of sorts. Following is the exchange between the two—one that, hopefully, will be helpful to others confronted with a similar issue.
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Psychopharmacology is Behavioral Pharmacology

An Interview With Tom Freeman, Senior VP of ABA Technologies, Inc.
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