Effective Supervision and Mentorship Requires a Relationship

Building and Sustaining Meaningful and Effective Relationships as a Supervisor and Mentor 

Chapter 1 part 2/2

Supervision provides an opportunity to establish and maintain meaningful, rewarding, sustained collaborative relationships that enhance the professional growth of both parties.

Purposes of Supervision

  • ensure high quality service delivery and optimal outcomes
  • Establish and maintain key foundational behavior analysis knowledge and skills
  • Develop critical professional and ethics-related repertoires
  • Develop complex skills related to case conceptualization, problem-solving, decision making
  • Model effective supervisory practices
  • Increased capacity to improve valued client outcomes and quality of life

An Effective Supervisory Relationship Should Be:

  1. Bi-directional and collaborative, with shared goal-setting and feedback

  2. Meaningful and sustained

  3. A growth experience for both parties

  4. A source of guidance and modeling

  5. A path to mentorship


Gain a comprehensive understanding of the power of collaborative relationships in the book

Building and Sustaining Relationships Supervisor Mentor chapter 1 part 2 infographic