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Eight Foundational Skills for Process Improvement Team Leaders and Members
Interpersonal skills are analogous to lubrication for moving parts. The ‘part’ we want to move is behavior
Mike McCarthy
How to Begin Lean: 5S in Your Workplace
What behaviors to reinforce are easier to spot in a 5S workplace?
Michael McCarthy, MEd
Performance Scorecards: Design, Implementation, and Reinforcement
No news is not good news. There is no improvement without feedback.
Janis Allen, BA
Five Steps to Engage and Motivate Employees
We start knowing our work is important when other people tell us.
Janis Allen, BA
The Use and Benefits of PECS
The issue of modality can become really critical. Obviously, when we start with pictures or any other augmentative system, whether it’s sign languages or a device, everybody is concerned that when they use the pictures, they will learn to rely on them and never learn to speak.
Topical and Systemic Presentation
Topical and systemic interventions can work side by side, and often together, with the same client in order to produce great outcomes.
T. V. Joe Layng, PhD
Behavior Analysis and Traffic Safety
“Well a lot of lives are lost on the road... We lost more people during the period of the Vietnam war on the highways than we did in Vietnam.”
Ronald Van Houten
Teaching Social Skills to Individuals Diagnosed with Autism
A ‘free for all type of social group does not benefit children with autism. Most children with autism in these ‘free forall’ social groups appear to be very lost.
Forensic Matters: Shark-Infested Waters
As mental health professionals, we’re often invited into the courtroom, into the playground of lawyers, and it’s important that we understand that we must play by the rules. Understanding the rules allows us to play and enjoy the time that we might be spending in the courtroom.
Performance-Based Pay
The organizational benefit is the alignment of pay/effort of employees to the company.
Byron Wine, PhD
Using Applied Behavior Analysis to Prevent Child Maltreatment in High-Risk Families
By far the most common form of maltreatment in the United States is neglect . . . Side effects of neglect, short term, and long term, are actually as serious as those of physical abuse and sexual abuse.
Training in Organizational Behavior Management
There is often training that is required to be given.
Byron Wine, PhD, BCBA-D
Assessment and Treatment of Sleep Disturbances in Children
All the behavioral training in the world is pretty useless if you can't get yourself together enough to make yourself a cup of coffee.
Dana Gadaire, PsyD
Sexuality & Sexuality Instruction with Learners with Autism Spectrum Disorders
… but to have serious, open, honest discussion about human sexuality, it’s something most of us would rather not do.
Peter F. Gerhardt, EdD
Some Instructional Dos and Don’ts
We have to think in terms of accomplishments. What is the product? What is it that the student will actually do as a result of the instruction?
Joe Layng, PhD