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Topical and Systemic Presentation
Topical and systemic interventions can work side by side, and often together, with the same client in order to produce great outcomes.
T. V. Joe Layng, PhD
The Use and Benefits of PECS
The issue of modality can become really critical. Obviously, when we start with pictures or any other augmentative system, whether it’s sign languages or a device, everybody is concerned that when they use the pictures, they will learn to rely on them and never learn to speak.
Five Steps to Engage and Motivate Employees
We start knowing our work is important when other people tell us.
Janis Allen, BA
Performance Scorecards: Design, Implementation, and Reinforcement
No news is not good news. There is no improvement without feedback.
Janis Allen, BA
Responsibility, Authority, and Delegating for Supervisors
Working to match authority with responsibility can be done by first understanding the meaning of responsibility and authority.
Janis Allen, BA
Leading Lean/Six Sigma in Healthcare: Making the Changes Last
Healthcare is characterized by waiting . . . in Lean waiting = muda, and muda means waste. Reducing waste is the primary goal of Lean.
Michael McCarthy, MEd
8-hour Supervision Training for Qualified BACB Certificants
This course fulfills the 8-hour training requirement and is based o
Behavioral Systems Analysis
In unit 1 of this 3-unit course, Dr. Heather McGee defines behavioral systems analysis (BSA) and discusses how BSA fits into the context of the field of behavior analysis. Dr. McGee then introduces the three levels of systems analysis and presents various analysis tools and organizational intervention strategies as described by Rummler and Brache (1995)
The Pyramid Approach to Education: An Overview
This course introduces how the Pyramid Approach in education can be beneficial for learners with autism or related developmental disabilities. The Pyramid Approach describes how to create an effective learning environment through the applications of data collection and data analysis. It systematically implements key elements from applied behavior analysis emphasizing functional communication.
Advanced Topics in Functional Analysis
Conducting a Functional Analysis (FA) may seem intimidating and almost make you want to engage in avoidance behavior, trying every other solution before resorting to doing one. Dr. DeLeon addresses behaviors that are difficult to assess and how to assess them. In doing so, he expands on how to determine functions with different topographies of behavior, determining a function with multiple topographies, and how to graph data obtained from a functional analysis.
Functional Assessment of Behavioral Disturbances Related to Diagnostic Features of ASD
“Functional Assessment refers to a variety of data collection, analysis and interpretive procedures that vary widely with regard to the procedural detail but share the same goal of producing a hypothesis about what evokes and reinforces occurrences of problem behavior.”
Iser DeLeon, PhD, BCBA
Translational Research: Matching Theory and Its Applications
Translational research typically is understood as the line of research that tries to take findings from basic research and then translates its applications in the applied field of behavior analysis. However, translational research can also take socially significant interests from the applied field and instigate research in the basic field. Translational research helped show that findings from non-human animal research could generalize to humans as well as create behavioral technology.
Function-Altering Effects of Verbal and Nonverbal Stimuli
In this course, Dr. Eb Blakely and Dr. Hank Schlinger describe function-altering operations and detail how function-altering interpretations can be used to explain the effects of respondent and operant conditioning. Other examples of function-altering operations including observational learning and imprinting are then described. The presentation concludes with a discussion on the implications of taking a function-altering approach to explaining behavior in applied and conceptual contexts.
Understanding the Observer Effect and How to Leverage its Benefits
Perhaps you work in a clinical setting, where you have provided reinforcement to a client for an appropriate behavior consistently in a group setting. Eventually, another client consistently included in the group begins to emit the same behavior in response to the client receiving reinforcement.
Holding Effective Meetings: Increase the Effectiveness of Your Meetings by Using Organizational Behavior Management Research and Tools
“Previously, we had a course called Holding Effective Supervision Meetings and that course was very specific to the BACB Standards and how to fit supervision into your meetings effectively, and that’s great, but that’s not the only reason we hold meetings.”
Shauna Costello, MA, BCBA