Jose Martinez-Diaz Honored at West Virginia University
Our founder Dr. Jose Martinez-Diaz made the trip to beautiful Morgantown, WV, to receive an award from his alma mater, West Virginia University (Ph.D. ‘84). On Friday, September 13, WVU’s Eberly College of Arts and Sciences honored notable graduates for their contributions in their communities—civic leadership and social welfare activities, intellectual and cultural pursuits. Jose is one of the finest examples of taking on that charge as he has done for decades, and in a small way, we celebrate his accomplishments through photos with colleagues and friends at ABA Technologies and elsewhere.
"Thank you for changing my life and introducing me to ABA. I am so so grateful that we met back in September 2010. I could have gone anywhere to get my master’s, but I chose Florida Tech because of Jose. Thank you, Jose, for EVERYTHING! I am really truly appreciative of all you did and all you continue to do for me! Continue being you and the world will be a bright and cheerful place :)" — Lina Lillis-Majdalany, Ph.D., BCBA-D

Top Left to Right: Jose Coffee Mug, JMD Bumper Sticker, Jose with Lina Lillis-Majdalany and Dan Sundberg CalABA ’17, Dr. Heward with Jose cutout ABAI ’18, Jose and Wife Danette with Super Jose
Life with his ABA Tech Family

“Jose has been one of the most supportive people in my life. He helps create conditions where people can flourish. Jose has had a huge influence on my life through his support and encouragement as I've continued my education, as well as, taken on opportunities at ABA Technologies. Perhaps more importantly, though, he's been an excellent model for how to build people up—something I hope I'm able to emulate myself.” —April Rowland, MS, BCBA
Carlos’s favorite quote of Jose: "We have to learn how to love. Thus, we must teach empathy"

“I can trace all the important changes in my life to Jose. He has been a role model for the type of professional and leader I want to be. Jose introduced me to the field of ABA, and through his teaching and passion made me want to get into this profession. He has given me advice and opened doors and opportunities in my career. I can honestly say my life is more meaningful since I met Jose.” —Carlos Zuluaga, MS, BCBA

“Jose is great at being different, unique, and himself.” —Gloria Narvaez
Greatest thing about Jose: “Sincere interest in helping people learn and grow in ABA.” —Jan Montgomery, MS, BCBA
Favorite thing about Jose: "His laugh and Hunka Hunka Cheese!" —Jamie Duncan-Chapman, MS, BCBA
"Jose is a great teacher. He still gets emotional, telling stories about his clients, even decades later. His passion is undeniable and infectious, and it's why I work for him!" —Corey Robertson, MS, BCBA

"Jose is influential in the field of ABA because of the impact he’s made on disseminating the science to practitioners around the world. The programs he’s developed have assisted thousands of students in becoming certified in behavior analysis. These students are then able to help an even greater number of clients live a better life, thanks to the application of the concepts and principles introduced through Jose’s courses." —Emily Meyer, MS, BCBA

"He is the most incredible recruiter in ABA that I have ever seen, and his memory for anything relating to behavior analysis is astonishing, including every person he has ever met in his career. For 22 years, I have watched as his brilliance, dedication to helping others, and open heart draw people to behavior analysis like a magnet." —Tom Freeman, MS, BCBA
"Jose is influential in the field of ABA because he lives and breathes behavior analysis. He is a true role model of what we all should strive for as professional behavior analysts." —Abby Greif, MS, BCBA

“From the beginning, Jose has encouraged and supported me in learning, growing, and becoming who I am today. Jose first encouraged me to pursue an MS degree, and several years later, he insisted I pursue a Ph.D. Jose is my teacher, my mentor, and my friend and I am forever grateful for what he has done and continues to do for me, our students, and our field.” —Kristin Myers-Kemp, Ph.D., BCBA-D, LBA-NY

“Jose is influential in the field of ABA because of his dedication to spreading the science while staying in touch with the importance of showing compassion for those we serve. He is approachable, kind, and has a contagious laugh that draws people in. He is instrumental in creating and developing quality programs to spread behavior analysis. We all owe him so much, thanks.” —Christi Reed, MS, BCBA
The Eberly award will add to Dr. Martinez-Diaz’ other awards and honors, including the Provost’s Academic Leadership Award (2005), Charles H. Cox Award for Outstanding Service and Advancement of Behavior Analysis in Florida (2005), Jerry Shook Award (2018), and the Best Faculty Member from Florida Tech’s Office of International Student & Scholar Services (2019).
Congrats, Dr. Martinez-Diaz. Thank you for your dedication to improving the lives of vulnerable populations and shaping the careers of countless professionals. Many are indebted to your knowledge, wisdom, and generosity. You are the most deserving.