Looking for a Career as a Registered Behavior Technician (RBT)?

by ABA Technologies
What is a Registered Behavior Technician (RBT)?They are individuals with specific training in behavior analysis (training based on the RBT® Task List).

RBT® Training Online FAQ

by ABA Technologies
Q: What is the RBT Credential?

Registered Behavior Technician® (RBT®) Training Updated for 2022

Our RBT Training is updated for the new 2022 BACB RBT requirementsThis training program is based on the Registered Behavior Technician Task List and is designed to meet the 40-hour training requirement for the RBT credential. The program is offered independent of the BACB.

Guiding the Role of the RBT®

by Victoria German
How Supervisors Can Positively Impact Progress and CultureYour most important role as a supervisor is to get results for your clients, offering them optimal opportunities to improve their quality of life.

ABA Tech and Florida Tech Launches the 2nd Edition RBT Course

by Adam Hockman
On July 23, 2019, ABA Technologies, Inc., and Florida Tech launched  RBT® Essentials 2nd Edition, a completely reworked and updated 40-hour training program.

4 Reasons You Should Take An RBT® Class Even If You Are Not A Behavior Analyst

by Carlos A. Zuluaga, MS, BCBA
The Science of Behavior Problems with behavior are very common and difficult to deal with. They can take many forms: from screaming in public to throwing and breaking things to physical aggression towards self and others. These types of problems have been reported as one of the primary concerns for both parents and…

Traduciendo la Ciencia del Análisis de la Conducta

by ABA Technologies
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