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Forensic Matters: Shark-Infested Waters
As mental health professionals, we’re often invited into the courtroom, into the playground of lawyers, and it’s important that we understand that we must play by the rules. Understanding the rules allows us to play and enjoy the time that we might be spending in the courtroom.
Performance-Based Pay
The organizational benefit is the alignment of pay/effort of employees to the company.
Byron Wine, PhD
Using Applied Behavior Analysis to Prevent Child Maltreatment in High-Risk Families
By far the most common form of maltreatment in the United States is neglect . . . Side effects of neglect, short term, and long term, are actually as serious as those of physical abuse and sexual abuse.
Training in Organizational Behavior Management
There is often training that is required to be given.
Byron Wine, PhD, BCBA-D
Assessment and Treatment of Sleep Disturbances in Children
All the behavioral training in the world is pretty useless if you can't get yourself together enough to make yourself a cup of coffee.
Dana Gadaire, PsyD
Sexuality & Sexuality Instruction with Learners with Autism Spectrum Disorders
… but to have serious, open, honest discussion about human sexuality, it’s something most of us would rather not do.
Peter F. Gerhardt, EdD
Some Instructional Dos and Don’ts
We have to think in terms of accomplishments. What is the product? What is it that the student will actually do as a result of the instruction?
Joe Layng, PhD
The Hard Problem of Consciousness: Its History in Behavior Analysis
Copies of the world made within the skin either by the brain or mind are unnecessary, and a search for them will not lead to an account for conscious content.
T. V. Joe Lang, PhD
Emotions and Emotional Behavior
Emotions are as much a part of the analysis of behavior as observed behavior.
T.V. Joe Layng, PhD
Toward a Contingency Analytic Account of Private Experience
The distinction between public and private is by no means the same as that between physical and mental.
B.F. Skinner
OOPS! 13 Management Practices That Waste Time and Money
All organizational systems, processes, and procedures depend on behavior for successful execution.
Aubrey Daniels, PhD
Best Teaching Practices: Research in the Trenches
Research is certainly the best way for us to improve our already effective teaching tools . . . If we systematically evaluate our practices, across all the individuals we serve, we may identify what the best practices are for clients as a whole.
Skinner’s Verbal Behavior and its Relation to PECS
“When I was in university, I asked my professor, ‘How do I teach language skills to kids?” and my professor gave me Skinner’s Verbal Behavior book. So, the answer is not exactly in the book, but it is ultimately in the book”
Adolescents and Adults with Autism: Evidence-Based Practice, Adaptive Behavior, and Quality of Life
“Historically, when they cut Medicaid services, they don’t put them back.”
Peter F. Gerhardt, EdD
There Are No Easy Answers
“Building appropriate skills in combination with some of the interventions that we have discussed today are probably the best way for us to determine whether or not we are being effective in producing long-term change.”