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Behavioristic Bliss
Aging and contributions seem far more functional than The Atlantic author appreciated. His view is very formal and structural, “Hit the magic age, and it is time to move on.” It certainly may be a good idea for some people.
Published in Blog posts
A Self-ish Behavior Analysis?
I just googled the word “self”: 3,540,000,000 hits, more or less. That’s three-point five billion, just to be clear. Wow. What a word. What a construct. Whoever came up with the idea of self? (In his recent book, Flesh in the Age of Reason, which I highly recommend, Roy Porter suggested it might have been the 16th-century French philosopher Déscartes.)
Published in Blog posts
Operant Innovations 017 | Incubators & Accelerators
Have you ever thought about starting your own business? Have you wondered where you would get funding from? Join Annie Escalante, the Co-Founder and Chief Behavioral Officer, from BehaviorMe as she dives into Incubators & Accelerators and how BehaviorMe jumped at this opportunity!
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Operant Innovations 010 | Stepping out of the Box: Bringing Growth Mindset into Behavior Analysis | Evelyn Kendall
Evelyn Kendall will introduce the Growth Mindset. Where it is used and how behavior analysts can benefit by stepping out of their comfort zones.
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University Series 041 | Slippery Rock University
Today we are joined by Dr. Eric Bieniek from Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania. This practitioner-focused program has both an online Master's Degree and a certificate program. If you are looking for a flexible online program, SRU may be for you! This program is focused on making each of the above options available to all of their students and understand that real-life happens and sometimes it is not fully in their students' control. SRU's goal is to meet people where they are, assistant them to get where they want, and train highly qualified applied practitioners.
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The Lift 006 | The Benefits of Learning from Experts and Self-Managing Development with Dr. John Austin
This podcast describes the content in Chapter 6 The Benefits of Learning from Experts and Self-Managing. The content covers the importance of teaching trainees and supervisees the skills needed to take an active role in managing their professional development throughout their career.
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The Lift 008 | Organization and Time Management
This podcast episode describes the importance of teaching supervisees effective strategies for organization and time management. These strategies are described as critical stress management strategies as well as strategies for overall success in the workplace. Skills such as planning and running effective meetings, managing email/text/voicemail communications, schedule planning, and file management are all explored.
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The Lift 002 | Collaborative Supervisory Relationships
This episode focuses on the fact that effective supervisory relationships are built on bi-directional collaborative efforts on the part of the supervisor and the supervisee. There are risks for supervisee, supervisor, clients, and the field as a whole if there is no collaborative effort and the two parties do not each feel respected, valued, and acknowledged. The podcast describes strategies for setting expectations for the relationship from the outset and for establishing collaborative goals for supervision. The importance of bi-directional feedback is explored and strategies for creating a committed and healthy learning context are reviewed.
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Operant Innovations 020 | What Can You Do with Your Degree OTHER than Clinical Work? | Shauna V. Costello
We see this question A LOT! "What can I do with a degree in behavior analysis other than clinical work?" The answer is simple - A LOT! The process to get there can be unknown and uncertain though. Today we are talking about some related fields and how to get into them.
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The Lift 001 | So . . . we should write a book!
This episode is worth 0.5 BACB Supervision CEs -
Join hosts Dr. Linda LeBlanc & Dr. Tyra Sellers as they describe the motivation for the creation of the book on supervision focusing on the importance of high-quality supervision for trainees, clients, and the field at large. This is even more important given the shift to more junior people in the profession with our current growth trajectory. The podcast focuses on the importance of discussing supervision in terms of relationships that are both collaborative and bi-directional in influence. Distinctions are made between the terms: supervisor, mentor, and sponsor.
Join hosts Dr. Linda LeBlanc & Dr. Tyra Sellers as they describe the motivation for the creation of the book on supervision focusing on the importance of high-quality supervision for trainees, clients, and the field at large. This is even more important given the shift to more junior people in the profession with our current growth trajectory. The podcast focuses on the importance of discussing supervision in terms of relationships that are both collaborative and bi-directional in influence. Distinctions are made between the terms: supervisor, mentor, and sponsor.
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Operant Innovations 005 | Engaging in a Time of Non-Engagement | Janis Allen
This does not mean we have to be cut off from our friends, families, or colleagues. Janis Allen briefly discusses how she and her colleagues came up with a creative way to engage with their audience by using her 5 Steps to Engage and Motivate Employees.
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The Lift 009 | Interpersonal and Therapeutic Relationship Skills
The Podcast
An ABA Technologies Academy Podcast
Credit: 1.0 BACB, 1 Supervision
Price: $15.00
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The Lift 003 | Understanding Past Influences and Their Effect on You as A Supervisor
Dr. Linda LeBlanc and Dr. Tyra Sellers are joined by Dr. Shahla Ala'i-Rosales! This episode describes the importance of understanding your learning history with prior supervisors and influencers. There are several benefits of reflection on your past experiences with supervisors, mentors, coaches . . . good, bad, and ugly. The podcast describes an activity for exploring the past influences in order to identify your values and design your actions as a supervisor. In addition, the listener is guided through an activity for identifying future development goals and seeking influencers and mentors to help them achieve those goals.
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Framing Trauma: How do we apply behavior analysis to a mentalistic term?
A Perspective on Relational Frame Theory and TraumaTalks on TraumaTrigger Warning: talks about traumatic experiences
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The Lift 010 | Evaluating the Effects of Supervision with Dr. Lisa Britton
This podcast episode describes the importance of actively evaluating the effects of our supervisory practices. We discuss several different sources of data and provide specific strategies for how to collect and analyze them. We also cover what to do once you have the data.
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