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Psychology Spectrum Disorder (PSD)
In a famous article entitled “Are Theories of Learning Necessary,” published in 1950, Skinner
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9 Things You Didn’t Know About Generalization
Generalization is one of those areas in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) that is critical to the success of any child, student, and adult with autism or autism spectrum disorder. The concept of generalization is introduced in any college academic course when learning about how the scientific principles of behavior analysis apply to changes in human behavior.
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Psychopharmacology is Behavioral Pharmacology
An Interview With Tom Freeman, Senior VP of ABA Technologies, Inc.
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Helping Students with ASD Succeed in General Education Classrooms
“More than 50% of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder spend at least 2 days per week in regular classrooms. Today, 1 in 3 students with Autism Spectrum Disorder are included in the regular classroom for the entire day.”
William L. Heward, EdD, BCBA-D
University Series 003 | Loyola Marymount University
Join Operant Innovations as they speak with Loyola Marymount University's Dr. Melinda Docter.
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Rethinking Generalization with the R.E.A.L. Model CE
Many individuals with autism or autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have difficulties generalizing from a structured learning environment to the “real world” independent of their functioning level. To simply rely on structured skills teaching puts practitioners in a “train and hope” situation when addressing generalization.
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University Series 037 | Daemen College
Today we are joined by Kellie Kotwicki, MS, BCBA, LBA & Dr. Vicki Madaus Knapp, Ph.D., BCBA-D, LBA of Daemen College. If you have been looking for a program that can tailor to your every need, this is the program for you! With FOUR different options, Daemen College offers every option that a student of applied behavior analysis could need. As you listen you will hear the passion that these faculty members have for their program, colleagues, and students.
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University Series 022 | Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady University
Join Operant Innovations as we talk with Dr. Tracy Lepper about the unique research and practical undergraduate opportunities at Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady University in Baton Rouge, LA.
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University Series 046 | University of Houston Clear Lake
Today we are joined by Dr. Dorothea Lerman, Dr. Sarah Lechago, Dr. Jennifer Fritz as well as two third-year master's students, Mary Signorella & Aunie Abernathy. This program is JAM PACKED and I have learned so much from speaking to this group of amazing women.
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University Series 030 - Rowan University
Join Operant Innovations as we speak to Rowan University and not only do we have faculty joining us, but also two students. Learn how Rowan University is unique in the classes, research, and practicum opportunities allowing their students to individualize their experience through their masters and Ph.D. programming.
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University Series 047 | University of Texas at San Antonio
Today we are joined by Dr. Hannah Macnaul from the University of Texas at San Antonio. This program will surprise you! With a wide variety of practicum opportunities, you can see how focused they are on training well-rounded practitioners. Located in the heart of San Antonio, this program is growing at an astounding rate and has so much to offer!
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University Series 040 | PCOM
Today we are joined by Dr. Jessica Glass-Kendorski, PHD, NCSP, BCBA-D and Dr. Rich Allen, PSYD, NCSP, BCBA-D from PCOM. If you are looking for a program that melds school psychology and the principles of behavior, you have found your program! The amount of individualization that you will find within this program is immense. With faculty that strive to bring the science of behavior to other fields and build a community of professionals, potential students have the opportunity to learn, research, and network!
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Ethics in the Real World
As you have gone into the “real world,” you probably found yourself in situations that you never thought you would encounter. Uninformed parents? Pseudoscientific treatments? Facilitated communication? Work-life balance?
Mysterious Science
by Ellee Chin
Have you ever heard someone you know mention anything about behavior analysis or something along the lines of behavior management?
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Operant Innovations 009 | Issues of Multicultural Diversity in the Ethical Practice of Applied Behavior Analysis | Part 3
Part 3 - Issues of Multicultural Diversity in the Ethical Practice of Applied Behavior Analysis with Dr. Danielle DeLong
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