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Performance Scorecards: Design, Implementation, and Reinforcement
No news is not good news. There is no improvement without feedback.
Janis Allen, BA
From Boo-Hiss to Bravo: Performance Scorecards People Will Use and Like
… From Boo-Hiss to Bravo: Performance Scorecards People Will Use and Like From Boo-Hiss to Bravo: Performance Scorecards People Will Use and Like Designing and implementing scorecards can feel very complicated and intimidating. The …
From Boo-Hiss to Bravo: Behavior-Based Scorecards People Will Use and Like
by Janis Allen
Measurement of performance and performance appraisals strike fear in the hearts of employees and supervisors alike.
Published in Blog posts
Operant Innovations 006 | I Didn't Know I had the Authority | Janis Allen
Janis Allen briefly discusses how changing the way we practice employee feedback and expectations can increase productivity and morale.
Published in Podcast
Operant Innovations 018 | Ending 2020 with Intention
We've made it to the end of 2020! Operant Innovations will be taking a break, but let's make sure we take this time to refocus, regroup, and move into 2021 with Intention.
Published in Podcast
Launch of From Boo-Hiss to Bravo Press Release
ABA Technologies, Inc., is excited to launch Janis Allen’s new book, From Boo-Hiss To Bravo: Behavior-Based Scorecards People Will Use and Like on November 17, 2020. Designing and implementing scorecards can seem very complicated and intimidating, but this book breaks the process down into six, doable steps that make scorecards feel easy and FUN.
Published in Press releases
From Boo-Hiss to Bravo
The typical performance appraisal is DDDD: Dreaded, Delayed, Done under Duress. Supervisors’ least favorite and most procrastinated task can be transformed into an ongoing source of feedback and positive reinforcement, spearheaded by the employee.