Our CE workshops are presented in partnership between the Florida Tech ABA Online program and ABA Technologies, Inc.

ABA Technologies, Inc. and Florida Tech provides hundreds of continuing education courses filmed by the field’s leading experts. These BACB® Type II approved offerings reach all areas of application and are of interest to clinicians and business executives alike.
ABA Technologies, Inc., is approved by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board to offer continuing education (#OP-02-0023).

Find a Continuing Education Course
Adolescents and Adults with Autism: Evidence-Based Practice, Adaptive Behavior, and Quality of Life
Time: 1 hours, 20 minutes
Credit: 1.5 BACB
Course No: BEHP1097
Price: $19.50
Instructor: Peter Gerhardt, EdD
Skinner’s Verbal Behavior and its Relation to PECS
Time: 1 hours, 45 minutes
Credit: 2.0 BACB
Course No: BEHP1129
Price: $26.00
Instructor: Andy Bondy, PhD
Best Teaching Practices: Research in the Trenches
Time: 2 hours, 50 minutes
Credit: 3.0 BACB
Course No: BEHP1109
Price: $39.00
Instructor: Bill Ahearn, PhD, BCBA-D
OOPS! 13 Management Practices That Waste Time and Money
Time: 1 hours, 20 minutes
Credit: 1.5 BACB
Course No: BEHP1110
Price: $19.50
Instructor: Aubrey Daniels, PhD
Toward a Contingency Analytic Account of Private Experience
Time: 1 hours, 21 minutes
Credit: 1.5 BACB
Course No: BEHP1136
Price: $19.50
Instructor: T.V. Joe Layng, PhD
Emotions and Emotional Behavior
Time: 3 hours, 12 minutes
Credit: 3.0 BACB
Course No: BEHP1135
Price: $39.00
Instructor: T.V. Joe Layng, PhD
The Hard Problem of Consciousness: Its History in Behavior Analysis
Course No: BEHP1134
Price: $0.00
Instructor: T.V. Joe Layng, PhD
Some Instructional Dos and Don’ts
Time: 1 hours, 54 minutes
Credit: 2.0 BACB
Course No: BEHP1133
Price: $26.00
Instructor: T.V. Joe Layng, PhD
Sexuality & Sexuality Instruction with Learners with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Time: 1 hours, 35 minutes
Credit: 2.0 BACB
Course No: BEHP1096
Price: $26.00
Instructor: Peter Gerhardt, EdD
Assessment and Treatment of Sleep Disturbances in Children
Time: 1 hours, 37 minutes
Credit: 1.5 BACB
Course No: BEHP1099
Price: $19.50
Instructor: Dana Gadaire, PsyD, LCSW, BCBA
Training in Organizational Behavior Management
Time: 2 hours, 44 minutes
Credit: 3.0 BACB, HCRI, SHRM
Course No: BEHP1118
Price: $45.00
Instructor: Byron Wine, PhD, BCBA
Using Applied Behavior Analysis to Prevent Child Maltreatment in High-Risk Families
Time: 2 hours, 56 minutes
Credit: 3.5 BACB
Course No: BEHP1100
Price: $45.50
Instructor: John R. Lutzker, PhD
Performance-Based Pay
Time: 4 hours, 7 minutes
Credit: 5.0 BACB, HCRI, SHRM
Course No: BEHP1121
Price: $75.00
Instructor: Byron Wine, PhD, BCBA
Forensic Matters: Shark-Infested Waters
Time: 1 hours, 2 minutes
Credit: 1.0 BACB
Course No: BEHP1104
Price: $13.00
Instructor: Mark Mosk, PhD
Commemorating Dr. Shook’s Outstanding Contributions to the Field of Behavior Analysis
Time: 2 hours, 16 minutes
Credit: 2.5 BACB
Course No: BEHP1125
Price: $32.50