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Responsibility, Authority, and Delegating for Supervisors
Working to match authority with responsibility can be done by first understanding the meaning of responsibility and authority.
Janis Allen, BA
Evolution of the BACB ethical guidelines and standards to the code
Knowledge of ethical guidelines is an essential component when practicing as a BCBA or completing any form of behavior analytic services or consultations. Thomas Freeman reviews the history of ethical guidelines and codes in ABA, how they have changed, and comparisons between the current ethical guidelines and codes to the previous editions. Dr. Martinez-Diaz then reviews the newest addition to the code, element 10.0, and provides examples of violations within the newest code element.
But I Didn’t Know I Had the Authority
by Janis Allen
When the charge nurse was asked why he didn’t send the patient to the ICU room earlier, he replied, “I didn’t know I had the authority.”
Published in Blog posts
The Lift 005 | Using a Competency-Based Approach to Supervision with Dr. Florence...
The Podcast
An ABA Technologies Academy Podcast
Credit: 0.5 BACB, 0.5 Supervision
Price: $10.00
Published in Podcast
Operant Innovations 006 | I Didn't Know I had the Authority | Janis Allen
Janis Allen briefly discusses how changing the way we practice employee feedback and expectations can increase productivity and morale.
Published in Podcast
The Importance of Analysis in Applied Behavior Analysis
The field of Applied Behavior Analysis is growing and, as it continues to grow, we have a responsibility to the next generation of behavior analysts. In this continuing education course, Dr. Schlinger will challenge you to consider how we can do a better job of educating future behavior analysts. He uses literature to make the case for an increased focus on experimental and conceptual analysis. With an understanding that behavior is multiply controlled, it seems obvious that no single form of treatment will work.
The Ethics of Promoting Your Practice
Practicing behavior analysts are tasked with sharing and promoting behavior analysis with others. We have an ethical responsibility to engage in the effort of promoting public awareness of our field. Dr. Newman really focuses on making sure you understand the reasoning behind the rules that we follow and not just the rules themselves.
From Boo-Hiss to Bravo: Performance Scorecards People Will Use and Like
… SCORECARDS PEOPLE WILL USE AND LIKE At the beginning of my career, I was one of those nagging HR managers whose responsibility was to get all the supervisors and managers in our manufacturing plant to complete annual appraisals for each … to employees. The course ends with additional tips to assess and inspire employee motivation. View CE ACE Approved CE: Responsibility, Authority, and Delegating for Supervisors Instructor: Janis Allen Time: 1 hour, 46 minutes Credit: 2.0 …
Building Collaborative Supervisory Relationships
Effective supervisory relationships require a strong foundation built from collaboration and a clear commitment to the ultimate outcomes of the relationship.
Published in Infographics
How to Incorporate Self-Care Strategies Into Your Behavior-Analytic Practice
The goal of ABA practitioners is to help consumers of behavior-analytic services achieve meaningful outcomes. Such a noble goal demands the identification and implementation of effective interventions.
Published in Blog posts
Operant Innovations 007 | Issues of Multicultural Diversity in the Ethical Practice of Applied Behavior Analysis | Part 1
Part 1 - Issues of Multicultural Diversity in the Ethical Practice of Applied Behavior Analysis with Dr. Angela Capuano.
Published in Podcast
The Office: The New Age Health Hazard and How Businesses Should Attack It
Employers have much responsibility when it comes to taking care of their employees. From setting up 401K’s, providing on-going training, to building a culture of excellence. While each is equally important, health programs are often missing. Our overall health fluctuates day-to-day, and if it is not taken care of, it will slowly deteriorate.
Published in Blog posts
The Lift 011 | Identifying and resolving Problems in the Supervisory Relationship with Dr. Ellie Kazemi
The Podcast
An ABA Technologies Academy Podcast
Credit: 1.0 BACB, 1 Supervision
Price: $15.00
Published in Podcast
The Effects of Trauma and its Effect on Staff Engagement
Contact us for group and customized options FEATURING:Dr. Nasiah Crincione-Ulezi, EdD, BCBA-D, LBA and Dr. danyelle beal, PsyD, BCBA
Psychopharmacology is Behavioral Pharmacology
An Interview With Tom Freeman, Senior VP of ABA Technologies, Inc.
Published in Blog posts