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The Lift 002 | Collaborative Supervisory Relationships
This episode focuses on the fact that effective supervisory relationships are built on bi-directional collaborative efforts on the part of the supervisor and the supervisee. There are risks for supervisee, supervisor, clients, and the field as a whole if there is no collaborative effort and the two parties do not each feel respected, valued, and acknowledged. The podcast describes strategies for setting expectations for the relationship from the outset and for establishing collaborative goals for supervision. The importance of bi-directional feedback is explored and strategies for creating a committed and healthy learning context are reviewed.
Published in Podcast
Building and Sustaining Compassionate Relationships with Caregivers
Within certain areas of healthcare, it has been documented that treating clients with compassion and empathy can have important benefits, such as increasing patient satisfaction, enhancing treatment adherence, and improving clinical outcomes. Additionally, areas of psychology and mental health treatment have long recognized the value of the therapeutic relationship in treatment success. Behavior analysts have recently begun to articulate the importance of attending to relationships in our clinical work. For example, Taylor, LeBlanc, and Nosik (2019) proposed that engaging in compassionate and empathic responses with caregivers may enhance clients' clinical outcomes. Leblanc, Taylor, & Marchese (2019) proposed graduate programs incorporate training in these skills. This dynamic six-part webinar series will focus on emerging research in behavior analysis in building therapeutic relationships with caregivers, the skills to build these relationships, and strategies to strengthen these relationships over time. Video examples and activities will illustrate practical strategies for empathic, collaborative relationships with caregivers.
The Top 5 Benefits of Collaborative Supervisory Relationships
CHAPTER 1 PART 1: Supervision provides the opportunity to establish and maintain meaningful, rewarding, sustained collaborative relationships that enhance the professional growth of both parties. An effective supervisory relationship is:
Bi-directional and collaborative: shared goal-setting and feedback
Meaningful and sustained
A growth experience for both parties
A path to mentorship
A source of guidance and role models
Bi-directional and collaborative: shared goal-setting and feedback
Meaningful and sustained
A growth experience for both parties
A path to mentorship
A source of guidance and role models
Published in Infographics
Building Collaborative Supervisory Relationships
Effective supervisory relationships require a strong foundation built from collaboration and a clear commitment to the ultimate outcomes of the relationship.
Published in Infographics
The Lift 013 | Be Kind to Yourself: Failures and Successes are Teachers with Dr. Shahla Ala'i-Rosales
The Podcast
An ABA Technologies Academy Podcast
Credit: 1.0 BACB, 1 Supervision
Price: $15.00
Published in Podcast
Effective Supervision and Mentorship Requires a Relationship
Supervision provides an opportunity to establish and maintain meaningful, rewarding, sustained collaborative relationships that enhance the professional growth of both parties.
Published in Infographics
Building and Sustaining Compassionate Relationships with Caregivers
This dynamic six-part webinar series will focus on emerging research in behavior analysis in building therapeutic relationships with caregivers, the skills to build these relationships, and strategies to strengthen these relationships over time.
Published in Videos
The Lift 004 | The Impact of Culture on Supervisory Relationships
The Podcast
An ABA Technologies Academy Podcast
Credit: 1.0 BACB, 1 Supervision
Price: $15.00
Published in Podcast
The Lift 026 | Building and Sustaining Compassionate Relationships with Caregivers
Linda & Tyra are back with Dr. Bridget Taylor to talk about their new CE Course! This dynamic six-part course series will focus on emerging research in behavior analysis in building therapeutic relationships with caregivers, the skills to build these relationships and strategies to strengthen these relationships over time.
Published in Podcast
The Lift 001 | So . . . we should write a book!
This episode is worth 0.5 BACB Supervision CEs -
Join hosts Dr. Linda LeBlanc & Dr. Tyra Sellers as they describe the motivation for the creation of the book on supervision focusing on the importance of high-quality supervision for trainees, clients, and the field at large. This is even more important given the shift to more junior people in the profession with our current growth trajectory. The podcast focuses on the importance of discussing supervision in terms of relationships that are both collaborative and bi-directional in influence. Distinctions are made between the terms: supervisor, mentor, and sponsor.
Join hosts Dr. Linda LeBlanc & Dr. Tyra Sellers as they describe the motivation for the creation of the book on supervision focusing on the importance of high-quality supervision for trainees, clients, and the field at large. This is even more important given the shift to more junior people in the profession with our current growth trajectory. The podcast focuses on the importance of discussing supervision in terms of relationships that are both collaborative and bi-directional in influence. Distinctions are made between the terms: supervisor, mentor, and sponsor.
Published in Podcast
Building and Sustaining Compassionate Relationships with Caregivers
Module 1 | 55 minutes
Module 2 | 71 minutes
Module 3 | 55 minutes
Module 4 | 151 minutes
Module 5 | 113 minutes
Module 6 | 73 minutes
Module 2 | 71 minutes
Module 3 | 55 minutes
Module 4 | 151 minutes
Module 5 | 113 minutes
Module 6 | 73 minutes
The Lift 004 | The Impact of Culture on Supervisory Relationships
An ABA Technologies Academy Podcast
The Impact of Culture on a Supervisory Relationship
The world is comprised of people of varied life experiences, values, and ways of acting in the world. The people we supervise and the people we serve will benefit from our responsiveness to variations and our tenderness in approaching relationships.
Published in Infographics
Tending to Your Tree - Cultivating Your Continued Growth as a Supervisor
The wise behavior analyst will determine for themselves which skills in their behavior analytic or supervisory skill set still need refining. An independent practicing professional needs to be active in seeking out personal and professional development opportunities and arranging situations in which the right people provide influence.
Published in Infographics