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How To Ease Driver Resistance for a Successful Take-Home EV Program
In this article by Kate Harrison, Move EV, our Vice President of Clinical Products & Senior Consultant, Dr. Alison Betz's provide insights underline the need for a strategy that acknowledges the human element of an EV transition, ensuring that drivers feel heard, supported, and part of the change rather than merely subjects of it.
Thought Leaders 004 | Tom Freeman
This month on Thought Leaders, we are sitting down and speaking with Tom Freeman more about his history and where he sees the field of behavior analysis going.
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Five Critical Behaviors for Safety Leaders
The phrase “leadership support” has become a cliché in discussing safety. We always hear about the importance of leadership support and “walking the talk.” The reason we hear so much about such support is because it is important. Yet it is too often poorly defined. Leadership support is often seen as just delivering a series of messages about the importance of safety.
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OBM in Education Settings
In the complicated realm of education, addressing persistent behavioral challenges and teacher turnover requires more than just well-intentioned initiatives; it demands a strategic and collaborative approach. Enter Organizational Behavior Management (OBM).
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AC4P With Dr. Scott Geller 001 | The COVID Mask & Actively Caring for People
Join Dr. Scott Geller as he introduces the Actively Caring for People (AC4P) movement and how wearing the COVID Mask is showing that you actively care for people.
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Generalists and Specialists
Some children from an early age appear to know the direction they wish to take and set out to make it happen. Others are less focused and may indeed engage in reinforcer sampling. Both groups of children need parental encouragement and support.
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Behavior-Based Safety (BBS): OBM Series
Part 2 of 7OBM Prerequisite Skills: OBM SeriesBehavior-Based Safety
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Learning About Behavioral Momentum and the Matching Law with Aaron Bevacqua
In today’s episode, join Maddie Duke, MS, BCBA and Aaron Bevacqua, MS, BCBA as they talk about the matching law and behavioral momentum. Definitions will be given for response allocation, resistance to change, and behavioral mass. Listeners will learn about the importance of the matching law and understanding behavioral momentum.
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Telling Our Story: Importance of Dissemination
Effective tools and interventions are the hallmarks of behavior analysis. Across disciplines and populations, applied behavior analysis improves people’s lives.
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The Lift 015 | Bringing it All Together - Academic Applications
This episode does not qualify for BACB CEs.
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Why People Often Make Bad Choices and What to Do about It
Why do people make bad choices? The answer can be found within the schedules of reinforcement that are occurring for that person. Bud Mace provides a refreshing review of all the simple and combined schedules of reinforcement. He further explains different features of combined schedules and how those can be understood through analyzing behavioral results.