Burnout: Recognition and Prevention

by Abigail Petronelli
The prevalence of burnout varies between work fields. One study found physicians experience burnout at rates of 37.9% and the general population at around 30% (Shanafelt et. al, 2012).

Professional Development through Animal Research

by Vincent Bello
Behavior analysis today gets most of its mainstream recognition for the work being done in applied settings, referred to as applied behavior analysis (ABA).

Rules, Contingencies, and the Battle of Britain

by Andy Lattal, PhD
The distinction between contingency governed (or “shaped”) and rule-governed behavior is an old saw for most behavior analysts. Like most dichotomies, this one doesn’t hold up under careful analysis.

As Useful as a Third Ear

by Andy Lattal, PhD
When I was a graduate student in clin

The Term DRO

by Andy Lattal, PhD
Bad or Possibly Redeemable Label?A procedure in which each target response postpones a scheduled reinforcer most often is described in both the basic and applied research and practice literature as a

Ethical Dilemma

Tom Wrenn Answers an Ethical Dilemma Question from a Colleague Recently, Tom Freeman, MS, BCBA, LBA-NY, LBA-MA, and current senior vice-president of ABA Technologies, Inc., received a question from a colleague regarding an ethical dilemma of sorts.

Covid-19 Dreamin’

by Andy Lattal, PhD
I, like many people of my age, am gravely concerned about getting infecte

Praying Deer

by Andy Lattal, PhD
For the past six months I have had the pleasure of livin

Are Bigger Reinforcers Better?

by Andy Lattal, PhD
 When it

Honk More—Wait More

by Andy Lattal, PhD
The following article appeared recently in the New York Times. It describes how police in Mumbai, India, undertook an experiment to control the excessive blowing of car horns by drivers caught in what must be nightmarish traffic in that largest of Indian cities.


by Andy Lattal, PhD
Happiness pervades modern life. It is a major topic of talk-show interviews, best-selling books, psychotherapeutic interactions, everyday gossip (“How can she really be happy with him?”), and personal ruminations. Poets, cartoonists, and novelists have done as good a job as psychologists in understanding it.