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The Lift 008 | Organization and Time Management
This podcast episode describes the importance of teaching supervisees effective strategies for organization and time management. These strategies are described as critical stress management strategies as well as strategies for overall success in the workplace. Skills such as planning and running effective meetings, managing email/text/voicemail communications, schedule planning, and file management are all explored.
Published in Podcast
Test-taking Strategies for the BCBA® Exam - Tackling the Test Series
In this blog, we will explore test structure and how to analyze scenario questions, and we will offer strategies to help you approach the BCBA® exam.
Published in Blog posts
Practical Strategies to Help Leaders Manage their Time and Work
This course is a recorded webinar
The Lift 002 | Collaborative Supervisory Relationships
This episode focuses on the fact that effective supervisory relationships are built on bi-directional collaborative efforts on the part of the supervisor and the supervisee. There are risks for supervisee, supervisor, clients, and the field as a whole if there is no collaborative effort and the two parties do not each feel respected, valued, and acknowledged. The podcast describes strategies for setting expectations for the relationship from the outset and for establishing collaborative goals for supervision. The importance of bi-directional feedback is explored and strategies for creating a committed and healthy learning context are reviewed.
Published in Podcast
Building and Sustaining Compassionate Relationships with Caregivers
Within certain areas of healthcare, it has been documented that treating clients with compassion and empathy can have important benefits, such as increasing patient satisfaction, enhancing treatment adherence, and improving clinical outcomes. Additionally, areas of psychology and mental health treatment have long recognized the value of the therapeutic relationship in treatment success. Behavior analysts have recently begun to articulate the importance of attending to relationships in our clinical work. For example, Taylor, LeBlanc, and Nosik (2019) proposed that engaging in compassionate and empathic responses with caregivers may enhance clients' clinical outcomes. Leblanc, Taylor, & Marchese (2019) proposed graduate programs incorporate training in these skills. This dynamic six-part webinar series will focus on emerging research in behavior analysis in building therapeutic relationships with caregivers, the skills to build these relationships, and strategies to strengthen these relationships over time. Video examples and activities will illustrate practical strategies for empathic, collaborative relationships with caregivers.
How to Incorporate Self-Care Strategies Into Your Behavior-Analytic Practice
The goal of ABA practitioners is to help consumers of behavior-analytic services achieve meaningful outcomes. Such a noble goal demands the identification and implementation of effective interventions.
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Twenty Do and Don't Strategies for Sex Education for People with ASD
Sex and sexuality has always been a sensitive topic for people and especially so for those who work with individuals on the spectrum. The uncomfortable nature of the matter is what makes behavior analysts both inexperienced as well as in a crucial role to teach sexuality. Influenced by culture that made it a topic that shouldn’t be discussed in polite company, sexuality is far more than just sex but also focuses on the social and relationship aspect and must be taught as such.
Making the Most of Your Conference (with our free planner)
Conferences are great for learning new things and connecting with colleagues. Before you head to CalABA or another upcoming event, spend time identifying goals to get the most out of your experience. Read on for strategies and a free, downloadable conference planner. Most conferences attendees seek to learn new things and network with colleagues. Spend time reflecting and setting goals for both learning and networking.
Published in Blog posts
The Lift 007 | Structured Problem Solving Skills
This podcast episode describes the importance of teaching supervisees to take a structured problem-solving approach. The roles of negative reinforcement and self-control in problem identification and problem-solving are discussed. The podcast describes a structured 5 step process for problem solving and strategies for maximizing your success at each step.
Published in Podcast
The Lift 010 | Evaluating the Effects of Supervision with Dr. Lisa Britton
This podcast episode describes the importance of actively evaluating the effects of our supervisory practices. We discuss several different sources of data and provide specific strategies for how to collect and analyze them. We also cover what to do once you have the data.
Published in Podcast
The Courage to Actively Care by E. Scott Geller and Bob Veazie
The story of “The Courage to Actively Care” follows Joanne Cruse, the Safety Director at a large company. Joanne had implemented the strategies of behavior-based safety (BBS) to create a safer work environment for all employees at her company.
Published in Blog posts
Quick Wins! Accelerate and Sustain School Improvement
Quick Wins! Accelerating School Transformation through Science, Engagement, and Leadership. This book provides proven strategies to rapidly strengthen trust in leadership, drastically improve morale, and advance student achievement.
Published in Videos
Guiding the Role of the RBT®
Your most important role as a supervisor is to get results for your clients, offering them optimal opportunities to improve their quality of life. As experts in the science of behavior analysis, you can get results by maximizing and supporting your most important asset—your people.
Published in Blog posts