Our CE workshops are presented in partnership between the Florida Tech ABA Online program and ABA Technologies, Inc.

ABA Technologies, Inc. and Florida Tech provides hundreds of continuing education courses filmed by the field’s leading experts. These BACB® Type II approved offerings reach all areas of application and are of interest to clinicians and business executives alike.
ABA Technologies, Inc., is approved by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board to offer continuing education (#OP-02-0023).

Find a Continuing Education Course
The ABCs of Starting a Private Practice
Time: 2 hours, 30 minutes
Course No: BEHP1102
Price: $33.00
Instructor: Mark Mosk, PhD
ACHIEVE: A Day Program for Children with Behavioral Disabilities
Time: 2 hours, 53 minutes
Credit: 3.0 BACB
Course No: BEHP1031
Price: $39.00
Instructor: F. Charles "Bud" Mace, PhD, BCBA-D
So, you wrote the perfect behavior plan, now what?
Time: 1 hours, 22 minutes
Credit: 1.5 BACB
Course No: BEHP1067
Price: $19.50
Instructor: Corey Robertson, MS, BCBA
Coordinating Behavior Analtsis and Psychiatric Services
Time: 2 hours, 3 minutes
Credit: 3.5 BACB
Course No: BEHP1054
Price: $45.50
Instructor: Thomas Freeman, MS, BCBA, LBA-NY, LBA-MA
Train the Practitioner TTP
Time: 6 hours, 41 minutes
Credit: 8.0 BACB
Course No: BEHP1188
Price: $203.00
Instructor: Karin Torsiello, MS, BCBA
Current Issues with Visual Analysis of Data
Time: 1 hours, 4 minutes
Credit: 1.0 BACB
Course No: BEHP1210
Price: $13.00
Instructor: Salvador “Sal” Ruiz, PhD, BCBA
No me Enseñes Trucos, Enséñame Habilidades
Time: 1 hours, 36 minutes
Credit: 2.0 BACB
Course No: BEHP1098
Price: $26.00
Instructor: Carlos A. Zuluaga, MS, BCBA
Evolving ABA 003 | It’s Not Burnout, It’s Trauma
Credit: 0.5 BACB, IBAO
Course No: POD-BACB014
Price: $10.00
Mentor Leadership: Why Mentoring and Motivating Staff is Critical to Success
Time: 2 hours, 30 minutes
Credit: 2.5 BACB, BACB: Supervision, IBAO
Price: $55.00
Instructor: Alicia M. Alvero, PhD
Evaluating the Effects of Supervision
Time: 1 hours, 32 minutes
Credit: 1.5 BACB
Course No: BEHP1194
Price: $19.50
Instructor: Thomas Freeman, MS, BCBA, LBA-NY, LBA-MA
Increasing the Length of Utterance in Children with Autism
Time: 2 hours, 30 minutes
Credit: 6.0 BACB
Course No: BEHP1059
Price: $39.00
Instructor: Vincent J. Carbone, PhD, BCBA
Arranging Reinforcement Systems in Applied Settings Part 2
Time: 5 hours, 29 minutes
Credit: 5.0 BACB
Course No: BEHP1045
Price: $65.00
Instructor: Iser DeLeon, PhD, BCBA
Arranging Reinforcement Systems in Applied Settings Part 1
Time: 3 hours, 42 minutes
Credit: 4.5 BACB
Course No: BEHP1044
Price: $58.50
Instructor: Iser DeLeon, PhD, BCBA
Why Be a Behavior Analyst?
Time: 1 hours, 5 minutes
Credit: 1.0 BACB
Course No: BEHP1091
Price: $13.00
Instructor: William Heward, EdD, BCBA-D
Preference and Reinforcement Assessment
Time: 1 hours, 46 minutes
Credit: 2.0 BACB
Course No: BEHP1083
Price: $26.00
Instructor: Meagan Gregory, PhD, BCBA