What Can You Expect from ABA Services?
by Megan Galban
It can be overwhelming for a family when their child receives behavioral services for the first time. In the beginning, much is unknown, and it’s going to take some adjustment.
Now imagine this situation: your child has just been diagnosed with autism or another behavioral deficit, and you’re provided with a list…
Antecedents Have Last Names
In the latter years of his life, Dr. Jose Martinez, the founder of ABA Technologies. Inc., and the driving force behind the creation of the School of Behavior Analysis at Florida Tech, was heard to utter the title of this blog in every one of his presentations relating to the influence of antecedent conditions on…
Looking for a Career as a Registered Behavior Technician (RBT)?
What is a Registered Behavior Technician (RBT)?They are individuals with specific training in behavior analysis (training based on the RBT® Task List).
Invest in the Rest
by Ryan Walz
The Great Resignation has presented unprecedented change and challenges in nearly every sector of the workforce. It may seem daunting, but during this period of disruption, leaders have a unique opportunity to invest in their existing employees, capitalize on their company’s cultural strengths, and foster growth.
Registered Behavior Technician® (RBT®) Training Updated for 2022
Our RBT Training is updated for the new 2022 BACB RBT requirementsThis training program is based on the Registered Behavior Technician Task List and is designed to meet the 40-hour training requirement for the RBT credential. The program is offered independent of the BACB.
Why use SAFMEDS Fluency Flashcards?
Throughout your coursework, you’re going to learn a lot of behavior-analytic terminologies, concepts, and skills. To be effective in your practice as a behavior analyst, you’ll want to have mastery of those terminologies, concepts, and skills.
The R.E.A.L. Gift for Behavior Analysts
The R.E.A.L. Model, Recreating Environments to Accelerate Learning. A behavioral framework to teach for generalization–comprehensive, systematic, and works within any ABA program based on a strong behavior analytic foundation.
9 Things You Didn’t Know About Generalization
Generalization – What More is There to Learn?Generalization is one of those areas in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) that is critical to the success of any child, student, and adult with autism or autism spectrum disorder.
September and Remembering our Beloved Founder
This is a collection of lessons and memories of our beloved founder collected from the staff at ABA Technologies to celebrate the life of our founder.