Antecedents Have Last Names

In the latter years of his life, Dr. Jose Martinez, the founder of ABA Technologies. Inc., and the driving force behind the creation of the School of Behavior Analysis at Florida Tech, was heard to utter the title of this blog in every one of his presentations relating to the influence of antecedent conditions on…

A Step in the Right Direction

by Guest Blogger
Guest Blogger: Frances Torres

September and Remembering our Beloved Founder

by ABA Technologies
This is a collection of lessons and memories of our beloved founder collected from the staff at ABA Technologies to celebrate the life of our founder.

ABA Technologies Continues Martinez-Diaz’s Legacy of Support for Florida Tech School of Behavior Analysis

by Darnell Lattal, PhD
Introduction by: Dr. Darnell Lattal, ABA Technologies, Inc.

The Courage to Actively Care by E. Scott Geller and Bob Veazie

by Guest Blogger
A book review by Matt HarrisSummary of The Courage to Actively CareThe story of “The Courage to Actively Care” follows Joanne Cruse, the Safety Director at a large company.

Social Validity in the Late 20th and Early 21st Century

by Sebastian Jimenez
The Heart of ABA: The Evolution of Social-Validity Reporting in JABA Part 3 of 3An extension of Kennedy’s work was published seven years later in 1999, by

Social Validity: A Spark of Interest in Behavior Analysis

by Sebastian Jimenez
The Heart of ABA: The Evolution of Social-Validity Reporting in JABA Part 2 of 3In 1991, Schwartz and Baer publish a paper discussing the current state of social-validity measures in the field of ABA.

The Inception of Social-Validity Reporting in JABA

by Sebastian Jimenez
The Heart of ABA: The Evolution of Social-Validity Reporting in JABA Part 1 of 3In the 1978 seminal article Social Validity: The Case for Subjective Measurement or How Applied Behavior Analysis is Finding its Heart,

How Jack Michael Expanded Our Analysis of Classical (Pavlovian) Conditioning

Jack Michael passed away on November 12, 2020. In Jack’s honor, ABA Technologies, Inc. is pleased to bring you this blog written in 2020 by Thomas Freeman.

Why Choose ABA Online at Florida Tech?

by Corey Robertson, MS, BCBA
For individuals seeking a career in

The Heart of ABA: Science To The Rescue

by Jana Burtner
A dark history of failed institutions, eugenics, experimentation, and the triumph of human-centered science over bigotry and neglect.The historical and clinical content of this blog is based on work by Thomas Freeman, MS, BCBA, LBA-NY, LBA-MA, who

Q&A ABA in Spain with Dr. Javier Virues Ortega

by Jaime Rus Alba
Intro:¿Qué es el análisis aplicado de Conducta?